Why Golf Tips Work Better For The Woman Golfer

Gone are the days when a woman would feel intimidated standing on the same golf course to receive a golf tip side by side with a man.   Thatís because golf exercise programs have proven that anybody can build enough golf strength to perform extremely well on the course.

Gone are the days when a woman would feel intimidated standing on the same golf course to receive a golf tip side by side with a man.

Thatís because golf exercise programs have proven that anybody can build enough golf strength to perform extremely well on the course.

In fact on many occasions golf tips have worked better for a woman than they have for a male golfer. One of the reasons for this is that male golfers frequently believe that hitting the ball further is a question of applying more brute force.

On the other hand women golfers have been carefully exercising and building their golf strength (which is a very different thing from trying to apply brute force with unexercised muscles).

The results have been nothing short of amazing.

Many male golfers fail to realize that trying to hit a golf ball with all your strength does not work because of several reasons. The first is that hitting a golf ball has a lot more to do with physics than trying to use strength.

You will notice that every golf club is cleverly designed to help the golfer achieve various different distances when they hit the ball. So technique is always much more important.

Then there is the fact that real power comes from properly exercised muscles that are fully conditioned to hit a golf ball as far as possible.

This is the single most important golf tip that has totally transformed the golf game for a woman. It means by getting involved in weight training, as well as stretch exercises that are golf specific, any woman golfer can perform as well as a man and even better in certain instances.

This golf tip that every woman golfer should take note of has opened lady's golf to a whole lot of new possibilities and levels of performances. It means that for the first time many lady golfers are getting to thoroughly enjoy the game and it is the turn of male golfers, especially those who disregard exercise, to start feeling intimidated.


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