Tech Company makes it Easier for Inmates to Escape from Jail

ST. LOUIS, MO – 09-10-2018 ( ) — Bail Bonds Coast to Coast (BBC2C) makes an exclusive partnership with InKozi USA. Founder of InKozi says “we are here to give bail bond agents hope again.” St Louis is known to be a big tech hub for new tech companies. For that reason, a Florida based Tech start-up recently moved its headquarters to St Louis, Missouri. If you have not heard of InKozi , it is the world’s first location-based app that locates on-demand bail bonds, lawyers and chiropractors. InKozi announced today it is launching its proprietary real-time app that connects consumers in need of bail bonds after an arrest. Civil right groups are trying to put bail bondsman out of business. “We want to put an end to the for-profit bail industry in the U.S.,” said Udi Ofer, deputy national political director of the American Civil Liberties Union. InKozi founder Bert Seale says, “Hold on here! We are trying to help bail bondsman and have created an all-i...