Tech Company makes it Easier for Inmates to Escape from Jail

ST. LOUIS, MO – 09-10-2018 ( — Bail Bonds Coast to Coast (BBC2C) makes an exclusive partnership with InKozi USA. Founder of InKozi says “we are here to give bail bond agents hope again.”

St Louis is known to be a big tech hub for new tech companies. For that reason, a Florida based Tech start-up recently moved its headquarters to St Louis, Missouri. If you have not heard of InKozi, it is the world’s first location-based app that locates on-demand bail bonds, lawyers and chiropractors. InKozi announced today it is launching its proprietary real-time app that connects consumers in need of bail bonds after an arrest.
Civil right groups are trying to put bail bondsman out of business. “We want to put an end to the for-profit bail industry in the U.S.,” said Udi Ofer, deputy national political director of the American Civil Liberties Union. InKozi founder Bert Seale says, “Hold on here! We are trying to help bail bondsman and have created an all-in-one solution for consumers to find these bail agents using the InKozi App and web platform. The platform will limit its Generals, Bail Bonds Coast to Coast will select one to three Generals per County. Google has also ban bail bonds ads.
Over the summer InKozi started a pre-launch mostly based out of Orlando, Florida. Although still early on, InKozi has already attracted some of the biggest names in the legal world such as Morgan & Morgan and Jose Baez. Since, in preparation for the Nationwide Launch, InKozi’s Founder Bert Seale and his team have made the decision to move its headquarters to the centrally located, St. Louis, Missouri. InKozi – Missouri will be InKozi’s first fully integrated state with a full complement of services for its consumers.
Bail Bonds Coast to Coast is the brainchild of Darrell Tullock, a veteran of over 20 years in the Bail Bonds industry. Bail Bonds Coast to Coast offers the independent contractor, that is the Bail Bond Agent, a chance to compete with the big boys. ”A bail bondsman has been on their own for too long,” says Tullock. Much like Trivago has done for the hotel industry, Bail Bonds Coast to Coast has done for the Bail Bonds Industry. Tullock’s concept has created a national brand for individual Generals and their Agents. Bail Bonds Coast to Coast aims to occupy every country in the 40 plus states which allow Surety Bonds.
For the past three weeks the aforementioned founder of InKozi, Bert Seale, has been traveling around personally meeting with and selecting Generals in Missouri. “Since Missouri is becoming our National hub and is the inaugural launch for Bail Bonds on the InKozi platform, it is crucial that we select the right people.”
Bail Bonds Coast to Coast powered by InKozi is an exclusive platform. There are limited spots available for generals and agents to claim. For most counties across the US, only one general will be selected.
Mark Hucker, a retired Police Officer of 25 years, turned Bail Bondsman, claimed his seat as one of the preferred Generals on the BBC2C network. “It’s exciting. One of the most difficult things in my business is advertising. Getting my company and my agent’s names out there is an onerous task. The InKozi platform and Coast to Coast are making things so much easier.” When asked what stuck out for him, he said “Three things really. One was Bert. When he called and met with me personally, I could feel his passion. Two was the customized URL concept. That is a game changer. And three was the potential for referrals from other agents.”
“We are busy building a solid foundation with the right people. There is more to come. I can’t express how unique and exclusive this opportunity is for an industry like surety bonds,” Seale concluded.
About InKozi
InKozi is a non-referral location-based app and platform that makes hiring an on-demand Bail Bondsman, Lawyers and Chiropractors easy. Ask any question for FREE and get advice in minutes. The founder, Bert Seale and his team, developed a platform and app that solves the challenge of finding the right lawyer fast, especially in emotionally charged situations where simplicity is not only wanted but also needed. Inkozi offers month-to-month hosting packages for lawyers, starting at $25.00 a month.
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