Attract Product Buyers -- Create your Home Page With Marketing Pizzazz

Your home page needs to grab your visitors by the collar--persuade and engage them.
You have the power to gain your visitors loyalty, to book mark your site, and eventually, to buy your products if you write irresistible, streamlined copy that engrosses them all the way to your sales message and order pages.

Here's a rough draft for a new home page:
Part One.  Start with an intriguing headline that is benefit-oriented that will lead your visitor to your products.
Sample: "Want a Quick and Simple Way to Quadruple your Web Sales within Four Months?" This headline link takes my potential buyer straight to my sales letter for the book "Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Your Book Online." 
Sample: For book coaching services, my home page headline and link, "Let the Book Coach Make your Book Dream a Reality." Takes my visitors directly to my coaching services information and why I may be the right coach for them.

Sample Testimonial and Link: "Save yourself from headaches, disappointments and money down the drain.  Read, "Write Your eBook or Other Short Book--Fast!" before you write another word.  Judy puts you on the fastest track to publishing success." -Marcia Reynolds,
This link takes my visitors directly to my eBook sales letter.
Part Two. Add who you are and what you can do for your visitors, but make it short. Nothing turns a visitor off more than long bio copy. They don't care about you; they care about what problems you can solve for them. They especially love free information.

Sample: The Book Coach can answer your questions, and make your book dream a reality. Judy Cullins, M.A. offers her 20 years as an author, publisher and marketer of over 40 books and special reports on book writing, publishing, and online marketing --all in short, easy-to-read, formats, with lively teleclasses and phone coaching.

Part Three. Add some specific benefits with a personal approach:
Sample:  I can help you answer questions about your book.
- What are the first steps to writing a great selling book?
- Will my book attract my desired audience?
- Do my potential buyers know they need my book and it's worth the money?
- Will my books sell enough copies for my satisfaction?
- How should I publish my book?
- Now that it's written, how can I best promote my book?
Part Four. Use a testimonial and benefit statement from a pro for your ezine.
Your visitors will also say, "Who cares?" For you to convince them they must have your ezine, add a testimonial from a well-known expert in your field.
Sample: Dan Poynter's testimonial below:
"Chock full of nuts and bolts on book writing, publishing, and marketing. Definitely worth your time."



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