If you are going to spend money advertising your vacation rental property on vacation rental websites, you want to make sure it is a success. Here are 6 things you can practice which will help ensure you receive the most "bang for the buck". 1. SET RENTAL RATES APPROPRIATELY - If you want your vacation property to rent, you must be realistic, optomistic, but not greedy! Set realistic rental rates for your property and ensure that the rates are correct on the site(s) your listing and regularly reviewed as the market changes. Search for comparable properties ("comps") in the same location as yours. Only charge a premium if your property has some distinct features. And, be willing to discount your property on occassion as needed. In this business, if you lose money for a week long rental, you can't make that up! 2. CHECK E-MAIL REGULARLY - When using an internet vacation rental property website such as http://Rentals2Remember.com or http://eVaca.com, remember...